It's crazy the way you see someone for two minutes of the day, yet they were the best two minutes of ur day, and u find urself wanting the next 23 hours and 58 minutes to pass as quick as possible.
"To ask me to describe love is like asking me to describe the taste of water."
The right guy isn't the one that flirts outrageously with you; It the one that stands in the background and catches u when u fall.
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live a day without you.
Dear tummy,
Sorry for the butterflies - it's all *HIS* fault
He was the first guy I was nervous to call
He was the first guy I ever went on a date with
The first guy I truly held hands with
The first guy I would stay on the phone for hours
He was my first true boyfriend
He was my first, second, and third kiss
He was my first everything
And lets face it, he still is..
Time does heal all wounds.
But even time will leave scars
You neither love the person you want to be with, nor the person you cannot live without; you truly and deeply fall in love with the person with whom you cannot be with and at the same time you cannot be without.
Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will.
There is 3 types of love: Love, you get over it in 2 months. Good love, you get over it in 2 years. But great love, it changes your life, forever.
it`s hard to wait
around for something
that you know might never happen.
but it`s even harder to give up when
you know it`s everything you want.
I'm not sure where I stand with you & I don't know what i mean to, all i know is that every time I think of you all i want to do is be with you...
Isn’t it amazing how a person who was once just a stranger, suddenly meant the world to you?
True love is found where we cannot accept the one we love to be absent in our lives.
True love doesn't have a happy ending:True love doesn't have an ending
every time i follow my heart, it leads me to you..
If a tear fell from my eyes every time I wished you were here with me...I would have a puddle of fallen wishes lying at my feet
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